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Marc Lowe is a composer, an electronic musician, a guitarist, a singer-songwriter, a drummer (since middle school), and a videographer. He does all of his own album covers, editing, sound design, and mixing/mastering for all recordings via Logic. Marc also teaches both American and Japanese literature, as well as current events, translation, and other types of language classes as requested at the university level in Tokyo, Japan, where he has lived since late 2019.

マークロウ(Marc Lowe)はコンポーザー、電子音楽のミュージシャン、ギタリスト、シンガーソングライター(ボーカリスト)、ドラマー(中学生の時から)、そして映像作家。アルバムのジャケットデザイン、編集、サウンドデザイン、ミックシングやマスタリングは全て自分でLogicでやります。そしてマークはアメリカや日本文学、時事問題、和英翻訳他を東京の様々な大学で教えています。(東京に住んでいるのは、2019年の10月からです。)


Marc started his musical journey in the second grade, when he studied Mozart and classical music via the clarinet. Later, he picked up the saxophone, but soon traded in his woodwinds for the drums and rock music (at the time, mostly heavy progressive rock -- Bonham, Bruford, Peart, Copeland, etc.).



Marc always loved singing, and started taking the art seriously when he began college and studied operatic vocals, hence his love of vibrato and dramatic vocal stylizations (add to that his obsession from his late teens with artists such as David Bowie -- later David Sylvian, Scott Walker, Jeff Buckley, etc. -- and the picture comes further into focus).


マークはボーカルが好きで、大学生時代からボイトレをし始めました(オペラの先生と)。それなので、ビブラートやドラマチックなボーカルが好きとなったわけです。(そして、18歳ぐらいからデイビッドボウイの大ファンとなりましたのも含めてわかりやすいでしょ。David SylvianやScott Walker、Jeff Buckleyなどもその後…)

Marc picked up the guitar for the first time in 2015, after writing songs a cappella for a time as the lead singer for a Fukuoka-based hard rock band and strongly wanting to be able to fully arrange them by himself. After the dissolution of his second band-effort in 2016, he bought a Korg USB keyboard, and his arrangements became more electronic, and more complex. Mixing/mastering in Logic Pro X, he now had all of the tools needed to become a self-produced solo artist.

マークが数年福岡でのハードロックバンドのボーカリストとしての活動をしながらアカペラで作曲をし、2015年に初めてギターを買いました(自分で曲をフルでアレンジできるように)。2番目のバンドが解散した後に、マークがコルグのミニUSB鍵盤を買い、アレンジがさらに電子的、そして複雑となりました。ロジック(LOGIC PRO X)でミックス・マスターできるようになったら、自主制作ソロアーティストの土台がやっとできました。

Marc's genre could perhaps be said to be a genre of no-genre. That sounds very Buddhist, indeed.


At any rate, why not just have a listen and decide for yourself...


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